Agenti: B i A
Dva glumca kidnapuju slučajnog čoveka da bi pripremili probu za niskobudžetni, nezavisni film. Čovek nema pojma šta se dešava i ne pomaže što ne može da ih razume. Glumci to sve znaju, a u to je umešan i reditelj.
Reditelj i Tekst:
Nina Ristic
Reditelj- Milica Dobrojevic
Mark- Vuk Madzarevic
Agenti B- Teodor Vasiljevic
Agenti A- Petar Lazic
Policijski glasovi- Dusan Spremo, Stefan Milikic, Matija Bijelic
Dama - Sandra Miletic
SFKS- Miroslav Lakobrija
Filmski montažer- Nina Ristic
Posebna zahvalnost za God i Bozidarac
Jezici: Srpski i engleski
Teme za odrasle
BGF offers directing (film and theatre), writing (scripts, SEO content, and short film reviews), editing, and general production work in film or theatre.
If you are interested in BGF's skills or what to work with them or want them to work with you, please send a message. Plus, if you would like BGF to review your short film please send a message with a link and we shall take a look and give honest, constructive feedback that maaaaaay help you in the long run or even the short haul.
Blue Gloves Features (BGF) is a small independent production company run by one person, Nina Ristic (hi) who has a focus on making short films, theatre productions, YouTube videos, scripts, film posters and whatever BGF can do for the indie entertainment world.