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Shout Out: James Lee Animation

I really wish I saw this channel/ videos a lot earlier. James Lee Animation is an animation company that started in 2007 by James Lee and has done a number of unique 2D animations videos since then. Some (about two) are the cute client 'marriage purposes' where you can feel the warmness from the artist while others are more dark and twisted but with the same amount of soul. But since it is animation they do not post as quickly on YouTube with (what seems to be) maybe 2 post every like 3 mouth or so.

The "Court of Public Opinion" and other videos that are more based around NOX (one of their more popular characters) really shows off the skills in their animations and is one of the main reasons for this 'shout out'. There is a mixture of animation (almost that of multi-media) where NOX is a real person (well green screened) in a more cartoon-world. The other characters in the jury and the courts are cute but simple adding personality while the accused are their celebrity counterpart with simple cartoon feature of eyes and eyebrows. NOX voice is edited to sound somewhat distorted and his movements are quick jabs and flicks to show that of a fairly unhinged man. These videos are a highlight and a lot of funny, with their darken style of witty comedy, to watch and enjoy. The editing is great and keeps the high darkness of NOX where he does make a lot of fun of himself.

However, James Lee Animation is also able to do multiply styles of animation where some look more 'cute cartoon-like' such as "Short and Sweet: A cute Animation" as well as "24 in 24" which is more of a mixture where they try to make 24 short animations in 24 hours, some are cute, some are dark, all are brilliant.

But check them out and maybe even send them a message if you want something done.

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